The Time Mist system automatically dispenses every 15 minutes. It is battery operated and each can lasts approximately 30 days. Inserts are sold in cases of 12 cans only.

Time Mist Automatic Fragrance Dispensing System:
Item Series: 3377-####
[Click on chemical names for MSDS]

Time Mist Aerosol Product Line:

3377-0603       Time Mist Battery Dispenser Beige

3377-0323       Purge Insecticide

3377-0303       Lemon/Lime Scent Odor Neutralizer
3377-0315       Spring Flowers
3377-0318       Pine
3377-0321       Orange Blossom
3377-0325       Lime Air Sanitizer
3377-0333       Baby Powder
3377-0336       Green Apple
3377-0341       Cherry
3377-0344       Pina Colada
3377-0348       Herbal Spring
3377-0350       Mango


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